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My babes :-)
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My babes :-)

"With my babes - from left: Janette, myself truly & Catherine. Cute babes, aren't they? Janette would say "shit great stuff", or "shit master stuff/we rock" - still sounds pretty different from slovak/czech language. The picture had been taken on the very first day of the trip, south of Sydney, somewhere 200 kms before Canberra. Wouldn't you feel bad about that, if your trip would end up so miserably as our did?"

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Smiling Arty on Jibbon Head sign. Ferry to Royal National Park, with Arty. With Arty on Jibbon Beach, Royal National Park, Sydney. With Arty at Jibbon Head - the ocean in the background...
With Arty on chairs in the night just before departure on trip around Aussieland. BBQ in Royal National Park - with Kumiko, Janette and both Catherines. James The Toilet Water, Carmen, Michelle and Fergusson at Hay Market, Sydney. The nature in Royal National Park - Kumiko, Catherine II, Janette & me.
Mario & Marketko. Mario, Marketko & mine truly. Mario, Marketko & mine truly. Koala sleeping on the branches.
Little girl & even more little dog. Day the first - Floriade in Canberra. Walking around Churchill Island. Saying Good bye to Ivan at Port Augusta, SA, pump station.

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